Wednesday 16 March 2011

Day Zero

March 16, 2011  Day Zero

Welcome to my Blog!

I have become the "average Size 14 American woman".  Joining the ranks of "plus size" does not appeal to me.  Yet as I sheepishly mumbled incoherent excuses about why I wasn't going to purchase any of the Size 12 skirts, I realized that I needed to dust off my Dr. Oz books, tune into his show and visit his website for some Oz re-educating.

Up until recently, I have been one of the lucky ones.  I haven't been on a diet in my life nor have I followed a daily exercise regime.  I was able to maintain my weight until my late thirties and then I slowly started gaining weight!  I went from a pre-pregnancy weight of a healthy 134 lbs to my current 160lbs.

Being  5'8 1/2" has helped me get away with the weight gain. Both deceiving myself and others.  It has also been easier to blame my predictment on being a big-boned Latvian Canadian rather than the fact that I am not active like I once was.
When I went to the Mexx clothing store this weekend and couldn't zip a size 12 skirt over my large butt, I realized I had to stop living in denial.

 It was time to "just do it". How? By taking a bite out of the rice cake rather than the twice weekly cupcake.

Plus, my husband who turned fifty a few months ago, began his own get health smart regime last fall. He  has lost 30lbs by cycling every day to work in snow, sleet, hail, rain, sunshine or fog.  He has become self-disciplined about exercise without any excuses and his actions have inspired me to live out the advice of Dr. Oz.

I am nervous! I haven't changed my eating habits since I have been in my early twenties.  I am dreading the change but excited to have a chance to renew my body, spirit and mind by making changes in my lifestyle.

To date, I cook meals using the four food groups. I eat three square meals a day and I don't snack late into the night nor throughout the day.  Except as expected, over the years my metabolism has slowed down and the lbs have snuck up on me!

 And I still indulge in fast food, especially when burger chains entice me with two for one coupons for breakfast sandwiches or value meal deals. Or when I grab that pastry to accompany my coffee to go!

I realized that despite being "on my feet" in the classroom, I am not doing much cardio or aerobic exercise that is heart healthy and fat burning.  I am not chasing after my pre-teen children or adult step-daughter. I don't heave todllers around all day like I used to.

Like anyone, I have my list of excuses. I am "too busy"and "too tired" to find the time to exercise.

Who am I kidding? Nestled in my cosy blended family of five, my perfect way to spend free time is with a newspaper, magazine or book in one hand and a glass of wine and aged cheddar  in the other. Or a cup of tea and a devon cream smeared scone dripping with raspberry jam lying under the shade of a tree or under a duvet.

Dr. Oz has been a part of my life in a sedantary fashion. Other thank popping daily Omega 3 and vitamin D pills as Dr. Oz recommends, and the occasional cup of green tea, I haven't walked the talk of Dr. Oz.

I can't let anyone down now that I have told a quarter of TO to follow my blog. I told my dental hygenist today to tune into my blog and explained to her that I was a hypocrite for watching Dr. Oz while sprawled out nightly on the couch snacking away on some forbidden junk food. My hygenist in return told me, 'you think that is bad, I eat pizza while lounging on my couch and watching the Biggest Loser".

In a few more hours,  my days of savouring rich soups, eating duck l'orange and creme carmel while drinking several glasses of wine in the process, come to a bittersweet end.

Yes, tomorrow is Day One of My Year of Living Dr. Oz.

  And despite gobbling up a  fast food submarine sandwich, white chocolate chip macademia cookies and washing it down with a soft drink today at lunch and meeting my husband for dinner and drinks at a downtown bar this evening, I am ready to live the life of Dr. Oz every day.

I went to the grocery store this evening and bought lentils, multi-grain breads, several types of fish, chick peas, skim milk, nuts, oatmeal, blueberries, low-fat yogurt, fresh herbs, every fruit and vegetable imaginable and tons of other low fat, healthy staples to fill my fridge and cupboards.

I am trying to get excited about drinking coffee tomorrow morning without my double double.  I am gearing up in mind to conjure up my meals to be 2/3 fruit and vegetables, and 1/3 grains and protein.  I ate up the leftover Swiss chocolate that my husband brought back from Switzerland while staring at the sugar-free alternatives in my fruit bowl.

 Tomorrow I will pick up a pedometer and take my first step, amongst many to get  10,000 steps a day.  My daughter has charged up her IPod and has loaned it to me.  I will tune into Dr. Oz on TV thanks to PVR. I will visit his website and live out his daily tips.

My goal is to get back to my healthy weight in the mid 130lbs range by next year and regain the energy and vitality that I have lost over the years. I want sound sleep and not feel like I am collapsing in bed by nine p.m. I want to be pro-active and preventative so I can guard myself against all those health ailments e.g., bad knees, high cholesterol, that creep up in middle age.  So far, I have been lucky when I get the blood test results during my annual check up. But heart disease runs in my family and my Dad got over colon cancer this past summer so I need to think about today and tomorrow.

I have to stick this out until March 17, 2012.  Next year during St. Paddy's Day I can toast success to the new, improved me and a thank you to Dr. Oz. 

Time to become more than a Dr. Oz couch potato follower. Living Dr. Oz here I come!

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