Saturday 19 March 2011

Day Three: Is There An Easy Way Out?

My leg muscles today feel "tired" but thankfully not painful.  I suppose this is a good sign.  It is what one  wants to feel after a work out.  That Jane Fonda "go for the burn" feeling.

Yesterday I slipped into my doctor's office to get some hand cream.
"It's from doing too many dishes," I joked with my husband.

Or excessive hand washing considering I work with six and seven year olds all day.

I told my doctor's receptionist about my Dr. Oz commitment for a year and how hard it is to reach 10,000 steps in day. Doesn't sound like alot until you start walking and find it is longer than you think. She told me on average she does about 3,000 steps a day.  She would like to get in better shape but gave up on the idea.

 Nonetheless, this morning I am wondering is there  anyway I can avoid walking through the streets of Toronto.

Part of my typical weekend is spending about a half a day doing laundry.  I go up a lot of staircases in my home so I threw on my pedometer with the hope that I can at least get in half of my step quota in by time all the laundry is done.

 I won't have to tackle as  long of a walk mid-day.

My husband supports the blog and health makeover idea.

Except, he expressed some hesitancy as to whether or not,  I will maintain my momentum.

"I could inspire others like myself trying to tone up, lose some weight, eat and live better", I announced to him.

"See how it goes over the next two weeks,"  is what he told me.

He has loved all the new, exciting dishes I have cooked for dinner.  Rather than the same old, boring routine of rotating roast chicken, beef tacos, penne alfredo, lamb burgers, sole almondine, and take out, our latest meals are tasty and healthier. 

"Absolutely delicious", were his words when I took the advice of Dr. Oz last night and sprinkled cinnamon on the pork tenderloin I made.  I also threw on a flavoured vinegrette on baked potatoes along with fresh herbs and neither he nor I missed the garlic, creamy mashed potatoes of  yesteryear.

 I am curious to know how many steps I undertake as a full-time working mom during the work week.

 My rationale over the last nine years has been "I work with primary school aged children on my feet all day. I run errands after work, cook and do light house-keeping so I have got myself covered when it comes to exercise".

  I'll find out by soon enough. 

Getting out of having to do daily, regimented exercise is what my real goal is today.

I opened up my fridge door to figure out what I could have for breakfast.

 One of my fridge magnets reminded me, that "The best way out is always through" -Robert Frost.

Today,  I will have to begin my strength training and stretching program.

 My fantasy today: fried eggs and bacon.


  1. Maija you are awesome (and honest as heck!). You're on the right path with the fantasy foods, yet I have a few suggestions that really made a difference for me:

    i) Try eating a light breakfast including lots of fresh fruit, a half-cup of plain yoghurt, 20 raw almonds or a quarter cup of unsalted roasted pumpkin seeds, and chopped sun-dried figs. I also sprinkle some organic cinnamon on top. When I eliminated complex carbs such as bread and cereal in the morning, I lost five pounds in less than a week and I felt far more energetic. Most days I just eat fruit, figs and a few raw almonds for breakfast and feel satisfied until lunch. Leave a 30-minute gap between drinking your coffee though, as the combination will affect your digestion.

    ii) This is weird, but when I stopped eating sugar for two years I pretended that all sweet foods had maple syrup in them. As I've probably mentioned I hate maple syrup, so I could vividly invoke the smell which turned off my appetite. If there is a sauce or syrup or flavour you don't like, imagine it's been added to the naughty foods you're trying not to eat.

    Feel free to ignore these suggestions, and good luck with your project!
