Monday 21 March 2011

Day Five: Change: Friend or Foe?

When one person changes in any context, the other person has to change.

 My husband took up cycling last fall.  He began cycling to and from work which is about 14 km round trip.  The first few weeks must have been tough for him.  He didn't complain and kept at it.  Even in rainstorms he donned his waterproof pants, jacket and headed out the door.  He's become a proficient urban cyclist.  I've been a spectator sitting on the side lines.  On the weekends, he usually spends  at least one of the days cycling leisurely around the city of Toronto. 

 He's invited me out to join him but I come up with excuses e.g, paper work, too tired.

  I have an old retro seventies bike that has no gears and the only time I took it out was last spring.  Our whole family spent an afternoon cycling through the ravines of Toronto.  I returned famished and in pain.  It took me 48 hours until my legs felt normal.  I didn't use the bike again.

 In healthy long-term relationships, each partner keeps the other one going.  My parents have been married 46 years and that's what keeps their love growing.  Being there for each other and giving one another a reason to keep loving and living.

Yesterday feeling inspired, I went to Canadian Tire to buy myself a bike.

 Kevin, the kind and helpful Sporting Goods salesman helped me try out several different models of bikes.  I found a CCM Hybrid bike for a little over $200.00 which was the perfect fit.  My smile went cheek to cheek as I waited patiently in line at the cashier telling everyone around me about the purpose of the bike, "I started to live the life of Dr. Oz. If you can't beat em', join em' as they say". 

There were little kids with their parents buying skipping ropes, bouncy balls and a few kiddie bikes near me.  My purchase made me happier than buying a new pair of leather boots, a French dress or new lipstick. 

Change is a state of flux.  It's our choice to make it our ally.  Hubby, if you are out there reading this....I am ready to ride off in the sunset with you!


  1. Great post, Maija!
    Kudos to you, getting healthier every day!

  2. How was your first cycle?

    check out street films for cycling videos

    here is some inspiration:

  3. On my b-day, three years ago, my husband bought me a very nice bike and I have used it only few times. My excuses were the same as yours: too tired, my neverending school work, too windy outside, and so on...
    I have promised myself that this spring I would try to bike at least every weekend. Now I am sure I will do it! We have a great park close by. Thanks so much, Maija! Very inspirational!
    This spring is The spring! :-)
