Saturday 26 March 2011

Day Ten: Two Wheeled Words....To Wield Words..Spinning my way back

Last night I went to see the play, "SPIN" written and produced by Evalyn Parry in Toronto.  She weaved aspects of the womens' rights movement with the benefits of cycling.  BEST PLAY I HAVE SEEN IN AGES.  SHE IS A ONE WOMAN SHOW!   Check out the Youtube video below.

This morning I woke up and rode my bike. It was below freezing, I wore long underwear and cycled a few KM with my husband.  I went to the bike store to get a basket for the back of my bike and lights in case I cycle at night. 

  I felt free, young again and energized.  I could feel my leg muscles working (I haven't given them much of a formal work-out since my late twenties when I cycled regularly) hard!

I am not one for repetitious, indoor exercise.  To each is own.  Everyone prefers different ways to stay fit.  I can't just walk on a treadmill staring at a TV screen. I need to get somewhere. Wind up somewhere. Even if the destination is unfamiliar. I need to be moving. I also prefer being outdoors.

In my former life, I was a fitness class drop-out.  I am glad I found something I enjoy. I plan to stick with it. With the days getting longer, I hope to fit in cycling one or two weeknights a week and at least once on the weekends. 

Explore what sport or type of exercise matches your personality.  I have a long-time friend who loves her yoga and swears by it.  I know others who take spinning classes or jog.  My son is a tennis fanatic.  My daughter has been a fish since she was born. Go back and think about what you loved to do as a child.

Go easy on yourself.  Pacing myself, each time I "get on my bicycle" I will add a few more city blocks before making a U turn to head home.  I know my personality. If I over do it, I will quit. Listening to your body is important.

 I might have a cold but the fresh air and sunshine on my face was a better antidote than an over the counter cold tablet.

Can a bike be an agent of social change as much as an agent of physical change?  Watch her YouTube video and let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Evalyn Parry is amazing!

    Great post, Maija!
