Monday 28 March 2011

Day Twelve: Which will you choose...a dozen doughnuts or a dozen sit-ups?

Three tips from today's Dr. Oz show. 

 Can you think yourself skinny? 

 Dr. Oz had Dr. Michele May, author of "Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat" as a guest on his show  to talk about mind over matter. 
Mindful eating was one of the things she spoke of.  Being aware of what you are eating, visualizing what you are about to eat, salivating before you take your first bite, chewing slowly without distractions, enjoying every flavour and mouthful. 

 Dr. May also suggested that before you "dig in" and gobble everything on your plate, to picture yourself eating everything all up before you even lift up an utensil.  Research has shown that doing imagery where you finish everything on your plate before you actually start eating will make you eat less because you have habituated yourself to thinking you are fuller than you think (before you even have started your first mouthful). 

Dr. Oz did an informal study with some of his audience participants before the show whereby each subject was given a bowl of 30  M and Ms (smarties). One group was told to picture eating each candy individually in their mind before digging into the bowl of candy. Once they were done with their visualization, they were told they could polish off as many as they would like to eat. 

 The other group was told to picture drinking a glass of water before they were allowed to eat the M and Ms. 

Which group ate less? 
 The one that visualized eating all 30 smarties before they were asked to eat a candy one at at time. On average they ate about 4 or 6 candies and stopped eating.  The group that had pictured themselves drinking a glass of water before hand, generally ate all 30 M and Ms.

Speaking of can go on Dr. Oz's website and sign up for a weekly email newsletter.  This week in the March 21st-28th edition, Dr. Oz answers the question, "What Dietary Strategies Can Boost Your Energy?"  One hidden cause of fatigue is dehydration. So a glass of water can give you the lift you need if you start to feel sluggish.  What else can you do?  Hungry? Go for high quality protein such as nuts and fish, low carbs, fruits and vegetables and 100% whole grains.  Avoid simple sugars that end in -ose like glucose, maltose and sucrose.

Lastly, if you use your voice a lot in your profession or tend to be prone to throat infections, what are some great ways to alleviate hoarseness?  Use slippery elm in drops, tablets or tea form.  Drink tea with honey.

 I finally cracked open the dusty DVD cover of Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen's "Staying Young" Fitness DVD last night. I chose the 16 minute beginner work out to do, pulled out my mat and followed along.  Some of the exercises were tough. I had a hard time keeping up with some leg lifts after a few repetitions.  Other exercises came easier for me. Sit ups weren't so hard.  The modified push-ups were a challenge.  Squatting and standing up and down were easy.

 Some of my muscles are tighter than others.  It is important to stretch out your muscles in order to increase flexibility.  I am off to do the same work out tonight on his DVD .  I am attempting to use his workout DVD four times a week. My goal is to be able to do the harder version of his work out, the intermediate one by mid-May.  My kids were good cheerleaders.  After a few reps I would just lie there on the mat, watching the DVD wondering if I should be entertained by celebrity trainer, Joel Harper or carry on. 

I also did the Chi-Gong portion of the DVD before bed.  The simple stretches with a focus on breathing were a little tricky at times but I persevered and felt calm at the end of the work-out. All of which made falling asleep and facing Monday morning a little easier.

What does this all say? Everyday we use some muscle groups more than others.  It makes sense to do a variety of exercises so that you can move with ease. 

On the 12th day of my lifestyle makeover, Dr. Oz gave to found synergy!

With can make things happen!

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