Sunday 27 March 2011

Day Eleven/Part II: Mirror Mirror on the Wall......

Ever notice that the people who emulate health are  very beautiful, inside and out!  Look at the author on my Day Ten blog  below who wrote Eat Green, Stay Lean. 

She is her own advertisement.

 Even Dr. Oz was checking her out on his Friday show while she was talking!  Clear skin, shiny hair, lean body and a healthy glow.

 There is a myth when it comes to weight.  There are lots of people out there who are super skinny who are just as unhealthy as those who are obese.  If you are starving yourself and barely eating a thing, nutritionally your body is deprived and malnourished.  No different than if you are binge eating junk food all day and not exercising.  Lack of food or over-indulgence are correlated to medical problems.

A lot of former models who have been interviewed in womens' mags, talk about living off cigarettes, coffee and alcohol during their jet-setting days. Have you ever picked up a People magazine with the headline "Stars without Make-up", with unsuspecting actors caught without make-up on showing that a size 2 doesn't look so hot under natural light and au naturel.

The fairest of them all?   The ones who walk the talk of  Dr. Oz.

Notice the food choices of diners in shopping mall food courts next time you go out for lunch.  Often, the people eating the salads, lean meat dishes or yogurt drinks are the ones who are the best-looking and the healthiest of the lot.  Not to say that the guy or gal eating the salt-laden fries and burger looks greasy. 

Who at your work or school exhibits high energy and enthusiasm?  Probably those colleagues who exercise everyday. 

What about the folks who handle stress the best?  Eating well and keeping fit ensure that your personal equilibrium can withstand life's tremors.

In Dr. Oz's AND Roizen's,  YOU: Being Beautiful" book, there is a chapter which is entitled, "Get in the Mood: What You Can Do to Straighten Out Your Mind".  Emotional issues such as depression have an impact on your beauty and health.  Here are some tips in his beauty book on addressing bouts of depression in your life (pp. 242-245):

".........."Talk It Out: Don't stay bottled up. Talk it out.  Cognitive behavioural therapy helps people learn how their  thoughts contribute to their symptoms.  It suggests behavioural changes that they can make to change their environment, their response to their environment and ultimately their thoughts.

Sweat It Out: Exercise increases endorphins, that feel good hormone.  Exercise has been shown to be more effective than antidepressants in reducing major depression. 

Use Guided Imagery:  Go to a quiet place, relax and breathe deeply, then visualize yourself in different scenarios.  For example, picture a pleasant place, fighting disease or getting a job promotion or A on a paper.

Give Yourself Time:  Give yourself time to grieve whatever your loss.

Get a Community and Buddy:  Talking and walking for thirty minutes a day are the most effective strategies for treating and prevention depression.

Don't Say Don't:  : Your brain -especially the part of the brain that influences your cravings, your insula-hears "don't smoke" and reacts as if it hears "smoke".  And that stimulates the craving for smoking.  A much better approach is to flip the message. Instead of "don't smoke", say "Breathe free".  Instead of "Don't eat doughnuts," say, 'Have a handful of nuts".....  "

In my classroom I have garbage cans with pictures of eyeballs on them.  Anytime, I hear the words "I can't" from a student of mine, I hold up the garbage can. 

Maija's famous last words...........

"Beauty really is in the "I" of the beholder!"

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