Thursday 24 March 2011

Day Eight: Stubborness and Self-Discipline are One and the Same

Being overly optimistic, my snow tires were removed last week. But, here in Canada, March is in like a Lion and out like a a Polar Bear!!

We had a snowstorm and it took me an hour to drive to work. Usually I write my posts around 7:30 a.m. Toronto time.  (Despite what the time says at the bottom of my blog). Sometimes, I write a second post in the evenings, reflecting on the day. 
Yesterday I was stressed getting to work.  Fender benders were at every corner.  Thus, I will be writing my posts nightly from this day forward. 

My husband cycled to work in the snowstorm! Can you believe it?  Research shows that it takes about 30 days of daily commitment to change a behaviour by introducing new habits.  How do you reach your lifestyle goals? With a healthy dose of strong will! My hubby incorporates cycling as part of his daily routine.  We are creatures habit.  Last night the roads were so icy, I called my husband and told him to take public transit home.  Worried, I didn't want him hit by a car or skid on icy street car tracks.

 Determined, he walked his bike nearly all the way home.  "I may be mad but I am not insane", was his answer. 

In the Dr. Oz "YOU on a Diet" book, he mentions that it will be a struggle to keep motivated and stick to changes in one's diet and exercise regime.  It's going to be an uphill climb. Eventually it becomes who you are.

Tonight, I will share my progress over the past seven days.  In the mean time, on Dr. Oz last night, a great tip was to use lemon balm tincture in water (a few drops in a glass) a few times a day to relieve stress and anxiety.  Driving with low visibility stressed me out yesterday. Coming home with a pounding head and racing heart, I reached for one of my frozen O'Henry bars.  That only made me feel worse with my blood sugar spiking up and then plummeting before dinner.

Today I will go pick up some lemon balm drops.  Some zest and zing rather than sugar will get me through the last few snow days.

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