Saturday 19 March 2011

Day Three--Part Two-- Airing out the Dirty Laundry


 In my four bedroom, two story family of five home, I used 3,954 steps to do laundry. Which leaves me with 6,046 steps to complete.  Going up and down  four flights of stairs throughout the morning used up over 1/3 of the steps required.

Dirty Laundry Secret:  On my way back home, I did what any ordinary woman on a second day diet/exercise program would do: sneak some cookies when nobody was watching.

Good News: I don't feel guilty about the cookies. Self-deprivation does not lead to self-esteem.  Self-denial leads to regret. 

Yes, parched and fatigued, as I walked by the Danish Pastry Shop in Toronto I bought a few home-baked, fresh cookies with cream icing. Absolutely mouth-watering amazing to eat on my final stretch home.

Everyone cheats on diets but doesn't admit it to themselves or others.  I am only human. Your average woman on a diet is me. 

Within reason, I am going to enjoy a little treat now and then.  What makes eating cookies more special when you are being calorie conscious is that you savour them in silence, enjoying every last mouthful .  Tasting each subtle flavour with every bite you take. 

Gee, maybe I should have done the"French Women Don't Get Fat" lifestyle for a year.  Champagne, croissants and escargot are part of  Mireille Guiliano's plan.

You have to be able to eat for pleasure even if you are on a diet.  If it feels too much like work, it won't be fun and it will be easier to be a health drop out.

Here is what I am learning:

Instead of hanging yourself out to dry,  let moderation be your guide.


  1. As Elvis said...."a little less talk, a little more action"

  2. Moderation, that's the key!
