Thursday 24 March 2011

Part II : Day Eight: You Are What You Eat

Part Two: Day 8
A week into my year of living Dr. Oz. and this is what I have learned.

You are what you eat.

I've made wiser food choices this week and I have more vitality to show for it.   I am not "tired" by mid-afternoon and I am staying up later at night. (Which is great as a full-time working mom because we all need to carve out personal time, often putting ourselves last with nothing leftover for ourselves).

 If you eat a chocolate creme doughnut you wind up feeling like puffy yeasty dough for a few hours.

 If you eat haddock, lentil sundried tomatoe salad and carrots you feel light, satisfied and fulfilled.

On the days I have walked 10,000 steps or done some type of exercise, I sleep better. I feel more upbeat.  I  can deal with the unexpected ebb and flow of circumstances that arise beyond my control.

My clothes feel a tad looser and I don't have to loosen another notch of my belt after a meal.

Am I planning to stick with it? Yes, Dr. Oz has won me over!

On today's show Dr. Oz had Joseph Mercola, an alternative medicine expert.  Dr. Mercola spoke about "astaxanthin" which is a powerful, naturally derived anti-inflammatory supplement.  Astaxanthin surfaced about ten years ago. 10 mg/day taken with a fat soluable meal can help prevent cancer, arthritis and cataracts.   Astaxathin is 50 to 60 times more potent than Vitamin D or Vitamin C.  Athletes take it to improve their performance.  I am going to look further into this supplement.

I end the part two posting of day eight with Dr. Oz's closing from today's program, "Listen up, every day you get a brand new  opportunity to take control of your health.  So make the change today-it's the most important thing you can do for you and for the people you love....take care".

My year of  living Dr. Oz has just begun! To be continued.....

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