Sunday 20 March 2011

Day Four: Why America's All Time Crush is Dr. Oz

Who is the heart throb of any "mature"/"middle-aged"/"slightly re-conditioned" woman?

 I vote for Dr. Oz.

On every newstand,  he is on covers of woman's weekly and monthly magazines.

What's his appeal?

He has a kind smile and uses a gentle,  informative approach to medical information. 
He is a cute 50 year old man! 
Dr. Oz is in incredible shape.  (He probably weighs less than I do). 
He floats in and out of our week-day lives making suggestions on healthy living. 

Dreamily, his predominantly female audience shrieks excitedly at the chance to be called on stage to be one of his assistants.  When women come up on stage and hug him enthusiastically, he blushes and is a humble flirt.

What I like about him is that he doesn't wave his finger with the doctor-know-it-all nagging persona.

 In his books and magazine articles, he seems to really want to give practical tips. 

He is on the cover of this month's Good Housekeeping.  In his article "How to lose 10 lbs and 2 inches in a month"' he says if you find yourself hungry throughout the day, then you aren't eating enough.  I have been filling up on fruit as soon as I feel a hunger pang rather than my first day where I spent the day light-headed and head-achy. 

Dr. Oz also talks about the importance of getting seven to eight hours of sleep a night.  He mentions this all the time.  With adequate sleep, your hunger hormones don't work over-time.  So for your night owls, out there....remember that research has found people who sleep less than six hours a night lose less weight than others.

His wife wrote a relationship self-help book.  She has killer good looks. I also read some advice she wrote on the Good Housekeeping website  about keeping the love alive in your marriage.  Couples should spend ten minutes every night talking to one another without interruptions or distractions.

Day Four advice: sleep, talk and eat fruit.

For your female readers, an extra tip c/o Dr. Oz:

Think of his boyish charm and warm smile every  1.000 steps you take on your 10,000 steps a day walk.  That keeps me going.

Dr. Oz is my pin-up man!


  1. Lovely post. You are a great role model.

  2. Maija, I am so proud of you. In our profession we tend to get overwhelmed and bogged down by so many things. For me when I'm stressed I eat! It's so important to achieve/maintain a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle helps to promote a happier more energetic life. You are an inspiration. Keep up the excellent work - you cam do it!!
