Friday 1 April 2011

Day Sixteen: You're As Young As You Feel

Guess What!!   I am going to be on the Dr. Oz show!!!!!!

Yes, someone in NYC caught wind of my blog and tracked me down, inviting me to make a cameo appearance on his show!

April Fool's!  (Yes, as it is before twelve noon -Toronto, Canada time, I might as well throw in a practical joke.)

However, who knows what the future will bring down the road?!

Now back to business:

Hacking away, coping with my congested chest, I feel more like 75 than 45.

 Wheezing, in-between coughing spasms, the combination of rest, puffer, healthy food, vitamins and homeopathic remedies will bring me back to my improved self in the next few days. 

The celebrity status of Dr. Oz multiplied thanks to his guest spots on the Oprah Show a few years back. 

Dr. Oz and his colleague, Dr. Roizen co-authored several health books, the latest one entitled, "You: Having a Baby", and continue to host their Real Age website. 

What's your real age?  Last fall my family doctor said my real age was about nine years younger than my chronological age. Making small changes to eat better, exercise more and look after myself, will I garner different results in six months when I return for my yearly check-up?

How old do you look?  What do your test results e.g., cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose levels, waist size, body fat ratios reveal about yourself?  How old do you feel?  If you take a photo from ten years ago and compare it to yourself today, have you changed?  Do people stop you on the street and recognize you after twenty years have passed?

There are band-aid solutions to masking our real age.  Watch the reality TV show, "Ten Years Younger", and with hair, make-up, clothing and accessory changes, one can go from curmudgeonly to hip. 

Long-lasting change comes from making the switch to healthier habits.

Take the test on the real age website and find out.

Want to be more accurate?

Based on your  lab test scores and overall health, your doctor can tell the percentage of risk you have for developing heart disease, stroke,  diabetes and other illnesses.

Milestone birthdays bring out lots of age quotes.  There's one that says "Count the life in your years, not the years in your life". (Or something to that affect).

April Fools day is filled with surprises.  Surprise yourself by making one small change to your everyday routine that is healthier. 

Even though I am sick, I am going to do some light exercise to help clear out my chest and get my blood circulating.

The common cold is not going to make a fool out of me this time!

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