Sunday 17 April 2011

Day 31: Judgement Day

One month into my year of living Dr. Oz and here is the verdict. 

I went to the Mexx store in the Toronto Eaton Centre, tried on skirts and I can wear a Size 12 now. I was able to do up the zipper and button easily. But, my behind hung out like a toasted marshmallow that was overdone, hanging by it's marshmallow threads on a campfire stick.  So I still have some room to shrink over the next 11 months.

Now time to get real and spill the beans. Today before I tried on skirts I had lunch at Tim Horton's ( a doughnut chain in Canada, splurging on a chicken salad sandwich, coffee and maple doughnut). 

However, the past month, about 85% of the time I have eaten healthy.
My struggle is related to making a daily commitment to exercise outside of being on my feet during my day job. 
In the morning (no matter how much pre-planning and organizing I do the night before from laying out my work clothes to packing lunches and thinking through what I am going to brown bag for lunch.....) I am still rushing around, stressing out somewhat to get out the door.

At night, I catch up on whatever dishes have been left in the sink, start dinner, clean up after dinner and then it's time with the kids, marking and .....see I am making excuses.  We all have at least thirty minutes where we are staring off in space, watching TV, surfing the net or doing something sedentary where we can exchange one activity for another.

My goal for month two is to literally "schedule" exercise time five days a week. By pencilling it in, I am more likely to honour it.  A few colleagues at work do yoga during lunch hour.  They've invited me to join and thus far, I haven't.

Weight Watchers, a diet program that Dr. Oz supports as he often has Weight Watchers leaders and clients on his program, recommends putting aside time in your "planner" or to do list that includes daily physical activity.  Also finding an exercise or walking buddy helps stick to your goal.

Time to make exercise a priority. 

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