Thursday 14 April 2011

Day 28: Hummers or Smart Cars: What your Body Language Says About You

Good posture makes a signficant difference to how we breathe, whether or not we are pain free and our overall health.  Last night I went to the Ryerson University student Fashion show, Wanderlust, put on by Fashion Design students.  I was watching the male and female student volunteer models on the runway and it was interesting to see the difference in one's carriage depending on whether or not, the model held their head up high, walked with their back straight, looked straight ahead and walked briskly with their hands side to side.

All of the student evening wear designs for men and women were inventive and original.  The models who walked with the best posture really helped show off the creation they were wearing. 

 An aura of confidence is conveyed when someone walks with their head high, back straight, shoulders up and eyes forward.

Dr. Oz has a blog and on Jan. 11th, 2011, he compares the body language of men and women. Great analogy of how most men and women carry themselves on the street.  Men would be hummers and women would be smart cars. Women slope and show more timid bodily gestures as compared to men, who walk boldly. 

Dr. Oz says that changing our body language/posture can change our mood. 

So for all of you out there: Let's try an experiment. For the next 24 hours, walk with your head up high, back straight, shoulders up and arms swinging gracefully. Take proud steps and breathe deeply.  Smile. Sit straight rather than contorted. 

Let's see if our mood really is affected.

Today I have had one of those "hectic" days with students pulling at my dress hem with various needs, my own children sick or with their own woes while I am juggling a social engagement tonight with colleagues and the weekly big grocery shop.

I am feeling tired and not overly sociable.

I am right now going to sit up straight, hold my head high and then walk out with a healthy, brisk, model stride and a smile on my face.

Will this change as Dr. OZ suggests, make me go from feeling worn out to wonderful?

I will let you know at the end of the day tomorrow.  Here is to the next 24 hours of good posture and positive body language. 

And as I am planning to vote for the Green party this coming Ontario provincial election, my body posture will be eco friendly.

Hybrid of course!

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