Saturday 16 April 2011

Day 30: Four Things Dr. Oz Can't Live Without

 Dr. Oz quizzed his audience last week on his program to see if they could guess what four things he can't live without. 

Here is his personal list:
1. Walnuts
2. Yoga Mat
3. Steel Cut Oatmeal
4. Compression Underwear

Walnuts are a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Dr. Oz suggests soaking them in water so that the walnuts soften up.  Omega 3 is great for keeping your brain, heart and skin healthy.  The Yoga Mat is to encourage exercising and stretching. Lower blood pressure helps reduce the risk of heart disease.  Steel Cut Oatmeal helps keep your cholesterol levels down.  Compression underwear helps circulate air, supports muscles and also generates heat so your muscles work harder when you exercise.

I invite my readers to post a comment and share their TOP FOUR  Healthy Things I"Can't Live" Without List.  It's your turn to share advice, be the expert and pass along any secrets you have that increase longevity and improve health.

Maija's Top Four List

1.  Omega 3  (See my blog entry for Day 17 "Go Fish" for info on the benefits of Omega 3)

2. Vitamin D (lots of research exploded on the health scene in 2008 regarding the correlation between Vitamin D and decreased rates of cancer)

3.  Silence (Dr. Oz reported in an issue of Oprah a few months back that excessive noise increases the risk of heart disease in women. Lots of people feel that they need the radio or TV on all the time, background noise. For some folks, it makes them feel less lonely. For others, it is habit.  Psychology research has shown that quiet moments every day help your brain rejuvenate, relax and your problem-solving, creativity and critical thinking skills improve if you have time without noisy distractions to think in peace)

4. Adequate Sleep (See my blog entry for Day 25: Why Having a Good Night's Sleep....)

I eagerly invite you the reader and fellow Dr. Ozzer to share your top four list for everyone. 

Let's discuss and discover what top four items are on your list to promote health.

1 comment:

  1. clean air / radiation free air
    & the green party
