Wednesday 27 April 2011

Day 41: Shhhh......

Today was a busy day! My class went on a morning field trip, in the afternoon we performed a song for an Earth Day assembly and the rest of the day has been filled with errands and all those hidden responsiblities that working moms do before their spouses get home. 

Therefore, tonight while I still have a reserve of energy, I am giving myself some down time .
 Dr. Oz reviewed the dos and don`ts of what to do if someone faints on his show today.  Elevate a person`s  feet 12 inches above their head, loosen clothing, check for pulse and breathing and call 911.  In this segment, Dr. Oz had two actors situated in a busy food court walking by and one actor pretended to faint.  Other than an off duty nurse, a person who worked in Emergency services and someone who had CPR and First Aid training, no one even got up and came to the aid of the fainting victim.  The folks closet to the woman who had fainted, stayed sitting and some even continued to eat oblivious to the scene before them.

When it was revealed that this was all an act, the people who did not come to the victim`s aid admitted that they had no idea what to do and waited until someone stepped up to the plate.

This spring everyone of us should be re-certifying our expired first aid certificates or doing what we can to learn how to handle ourselves in an unexpected emegency.

It`s one thing to put up a Do Not Disturb sign to catch a few extra zzzz...s and another to turn a blind eye to someone who needs help.

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