Wednesday 6 April 2011

Day Twenty-One: I Do......Tips For the " Marrieds"

What do hormones have to do with getting along with your spouse in marriage?  I will check in later tonight with details from today's Dr. Oz show. 

I have been rushing around all day and all evening so I am going to take the time to eat mindfully and return shortly to share what research Dr. Oz has dug up along with his panel of experts. 

Did you know that 63% of women will gain weight after getting married? My husband joked, "..maybe women are better off single".

Will Kate lose her svelte body a year from now?

Today on Dr. Oz, a leader from Weight Watchers, along with Dr. Oz shared tips to help couples keep weight off by eating healthy, working out together and supporting each other's weight loss goals together.

Once a single person becomes married, he or she is no longer preening and on the prowl.  You get off the market and overeat at the market!  It is easy to get so comfortable with one another and slip into unhealthy habits and a sedentary lifestyle.

To avoid falling in that trap, couples need to encourage one another to look after themselves by making healthy food choices, making exercise part of their together time and cheering each other towards better living.

Here is the deal on hormones and marriage c/o Dr. John Gray.  Dr. Gray was a guest on Dr. Oz today.  He is a long-time marriage counsellor and author of many best selling self-help books e.g., Venus and Mars series about relationships.  His latest book looks at the ways in which hormones shape the relationships between men and women.

For example, women operate on a 28 day or monthly hormonal cycle.  Women crave oxytocin  (e.g., nurturing gestures, cuddling, affection)  to help keep their stress hormones at bay, keep calm and to stay balanced. Oxtoycin does the opposite in men. It puts them to sleep.

Men have a seven day hormonal cycle where their testosterone builds up, peaks, is hopefully released (you know what I mean) and then the weekly cycle re-starts. Men who "get it" 2-3 times a week live twice as long as their male counterparts who are not as active). 

 (No wonder the modern day woman is tired. Not only do we bring home and cook the bacon, scrape and scrub the pan after everyone has consumed the bacon,   we have to keep everybody's fires lit for the sake of  male health).

Why do men crash at the end of the day and lounge around on the couch, too tired to pitch in or carry a conversation? Their testosterone is down and they need thirty to sixty minutes to rebuild their bodily levels. Women come home after a long day and want the feel good hormone, oxytocin to come to the rescue. They want to talk about their day, connect and soak up mutual caring.

What should Kate do after she has had long day and comes home to William vegging out on the couch?  Meanwhile, the house is a disaster, the sink is full of dirty dishes and there is a long to do list before bed-time.
 Dr. Gray said this dilemma is very common.  Kate needs to directly state to Will what she wants, "Will, would you take out the trash?" rather than asking, "Could you empty the dishwasher?"

What if Kate comes home and is super edgy?

What should Will do?

 Dr. Gray mentioned women are prone to mood swings when they skip meals and become hungry.  Blood sugar lows and highs create irritability in women.  Dr. Gray shared a recipe filled with a variety of protein nutrients to keep blood sugar balanced for women throughout the day.

Of course, Kate and Will are not the greatest examples of your everyday couple. If they need a helping hand, they can call one of their many personal assistants. 

However, Dr. Gray makes a concrete point. 

 Male and female biology influence behaviour but this doesn't excuse  behaviour.  Why not, work with these hormonal differences to find a middle ground where a couple can relate to one another regardless of "the his or her" hormones raging in the body.

Speaking of hormones, my female body is telling me she is tired. As it is nine p.m., I am calling it an early night and wishing you all a good night!

Bon nuit!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    How is your cycling going? Hope the weather is better in Canada.
    I am also an avid cyclist in Copenhagen and it is an integral part of my health plan. How many km /day do you cycle?

    Best wishes,
