Friday 15 April 2011

Day 29: What Would YOU Do?

The piece below is taken from the ABC TV channel site about a new reality TV program, "What Would You Do?" It is on tonight (Friday April 15th at 9 p.m.).
Dr. Oz had the host of this new TV program on his program today.  Take a moment and read what I read when I googled the program info:
When people see a situation that cries out for action, do they step in, back away or just walk on by? Suppose you saw a friend's spouse cheating -- would you tell her? What if you saw a young girl being cruelly taunted by other girls - would you confront them? Using hidden cameras, ''Primetime: What Would You Do?'' sets up everyday scenarios and then captures people's reactions. Whether they're compelled to act or mind their own business, John Quinones reports on their split-second - and often surprising - decision-making process.
Scenarios include:

  • Based on the real-life experiences of a devout Muslim woman living in west Texas, we find out what happens when a Muslim woman wearing a veil is denied service by the owner of a popular bakery. Who will come to her defense, and who will support the owner who wants to kick her out?
  • Finding a parking space is a common inconvenience for many drivers, one that's often compounded when the only spot available is too small for the car. But what happens when ''Primetime's'' parker bulldozes her way in to the tight spot, hitting the car behind her? Does anyone intervene to prevent the damage?
  • We all know adolescence can be tough and that teens can be cruel -- bullies even. But while ''bullying'' may be associated with boys, girls can be bullies too. Girls tend to assault their victims verbally, causing deeper, hidden wounds which can last longer than any playground punch. When ''Primetime'' creates a scenario where three girls verbally attack another girl in a park, what will people do when they walk by?
  • Imagine being out to dinner one night when you notice a playful and flirtatious couple and, upon a closer look, notice that the man is your good friend's husband. The woman he's with is a complete stranger. Do you tell your friend?
  • Boss with Bad Breath: Your boss has bad breath. Now you don't want to jeopardize your job- in fact you are trying to get ahead- but you can't take it anymore. What would you do?
''Primetime: What Would You Do?'' has won awards from the Chicago International Television Festival, as well as the Avon Foundation's 2006 Voice of Change Award for exposing ''injustice and wrongdoing against women, and bringing the message of domestic violence to the mainstream.'' According to a recent Columbia Journalism Review essay, ''Primetime: What Would You Do?'' is ''the flip side of reality TV... rather than show how people act in manufactured situations when they know they are being watched, they show us how people act when they don't.''

This reminds me of the adult board game Scruples which game out in the mid-eighties.  I remember playing it with pals in university. 

We have all been faced with real-life scenarios where we may be tempted to say something to a stranger, friend, colleague or family member but we keep our mouth shut. Or the opposite, we step in to a situation rather than "mind out own business".

Quinones tells the audience that most people don't intervene because they see it as the stranger's own, "personal or private family business".  He also says that if children grow up having their emotional needs met, they will demonstrate greater compassion, empathy and will stand up for others.

Emotional intelligence sets apart those who speak up for social justice versus those who are bystanders.

I tend to open my mouth more than keep it closed if I witness something disconcerting. Especially if I observe issue of inequity.  Or life or death.  I will offer first-aid if someone faints, falls or is injured. 

The situations where I struggle with are more the "grey" areas where social behaviour is concerned. 

Where one has to weigh out the pros and cons before speaking up.  Especially if the lines are bleary.

My advice is: trust your instinct.  Listen to your gut.  If your immediate response is to "jump in" then do so. If it is one of those delicate matters that is not life or death, listen to your heart.

Sitting on the sidelines or intervening.  Is one move better than the other? Or is it situation specific?

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