Sunday 3 April 2011

Day Eighteen: Part One : Can Only the Rich Afford Dr. Oz?

A legitimate, controversial question:  Getting healthy and maintaining one's this a luxury only the rich can afford??
Fresh food, buying organic, supplements........all of these things add up. 

I switched to buying primarily organic  fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy a year and a half ago after my Dad came down with cancer.

Compare prices and depending on the product, an item, be it a staple or perishable grocery product, is nearly double the cost when you buy organic.

Farmed salmon has been fed cornmeal as Dr. Oz pointed out on Friday, and as a result, is not a good source of Omega 3. Wild salmon is what he recommended since wild fish feed on algae and other sea vegetation, all of which adds up to a healthy diet with lots of Omega 3 fish flesh. 

Wild salmon is much more costlier than fresh. 

Supplements such as those time-release vitamins, that are naturally derived as opposed to synthetically derived cost more. 

 I bought a book called "The Anti-Cancer" book, spoke to cancer survivors who swore their oncologists told them to buy fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy organic and watched the documentary Food Inc.  After reading about growth hormones and synthetic chemicals that are injected or added to our food, I made the switch.

Later today, I will research what Dr. Oz thinks about organic food and the cost of good health.  In the meantime, I highly recommend that you rent the DVD Food Inc. 

It's a straight up film that goes behind the scenes of food production, looking at how chickens and cattle for example, are raised in America. It looks at grain farming and why it is more profitable for the American farmer not to be organic.  It also interviews a family in California who have most of their meals at fast-food take out joints because they are fed and kept full. Rather than buying expensive fresh food at the grocery store where they get very little for their buck.

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