Tuesday 12 April 2011

Day 26: Tuesday on the Dr. Oz Show

On today's Dr. Oz show, Dr. Oz had the 700 lb woman on his program. If you click on the link below, you can get highlights from the program.  Sensationalism?  Veering towards Reality TV rather than "informative" TV? 

What is your reaction when you watch this woman?

Tuesday on The Dr. Oz Show

This woman complains that her mom and  husband have "enabled her" to wind up where she is.  Granted, she appears to have some understanding that her choices and lifestyle have contributed to her condition, but there is finger pointing as to why she keeps falling off the wagon.

 I shake my head when I hear adults saying that the reason they over drink is because of their "tumultuous upbringing".

Or "I am fat because of my spouse's cooking".

 The reason why someone is unable to hold down a job is because of their "restless" genes.

 "There's nothing I can do about. It runs in my family".

Whether it's a temperamental streak, sugar addiction or inability to see something through from start to finish.

I am motivated by the people who are the rags to riches heroes in life.  Health heroes in our own backyard. The fella in the Pursuit of Happiness, a true story of a homeless and unemployed man who became a successful, billionaire businessman exemplifies what one can do if you don't give up on your dream, use your strengths and work hard.  Some of the Dragon's Den hosts came from poverty stricken situations and saw through the visions that they clung to.

 My neighbour across the street survived heart surgery, quit smoking, he and his wife became vegetarians and they are in better physical shape now in their late sixties than ever before.  The custodian at my workplace after hearing his possible future prognosis, quit smoking, cold turkey and started eating better and exercising.  He looks healthy and no longer coughs or labours to breathe. 

Dr. Oz states something to the 700 lb woman that can be applicable to all: "I don't care how you fall. I care about you are getting yourself back up again".

 Dr. Oz also said, "You cannot always control life  or other people, but you can control  yourself".

Today's challenge for myself and all my dear readers: Be the change. Forgot about them. Who ever it was, is or will be  is not the question.  Work on the power of one. You.

Next time I find myself upset and finger pointing elsewhere, I will do a full circle and go back to the mirror. 

All of us have our personal and physical struggles that affect our well-being.  It''s easy to blame others.

Part of the human condition is to pass the buck rather than do what we can to invest in ourselves, improve our personal currency rate and make our health returns profitable. 

Daily deposits of responsibility and self-accountability  increase self-worth.

If you click on this poem from Mother Teresa it will enlarge and it sums up whether it is a you vs. me or us vs. them way of life that leads to happiness and health.

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