Monday 2 May 2011

Day 46: The Beginning of the End....

Dear Blog Readers:

I am ready  to set sail for new writing adventures.

I know it is premature to end  my Living Dr. Oz journey but my healthy lifestyle journey didn't begin 46 days ago. 

I have been lucky to be blessed with good health for all my forty five years.  My family doctor has told me for years on end that my test results come back low risk and my risk for major illnesses is that of someone in their early thirties. I have never been told to lose weight despite my dream of being size 8 and looking 28 years old again!  I weight 150 lbs now which is  a healthy weight for someone my age and my height (hovering at 5'9'').  My GP told me that in the last six years my weight has only fluctuated give or take five lbs. My blood pressure is fine and knock on wood, I have kept a steady course of healthy habits in adulthood.

Here is the deal:  I have been eating for the most part very healthy my whole life. I am a decent cook and my meals have always had the four food groups and are balanced. Sure, I am not 135 lbs anymore but people recognize me on the street and I still fit into lots of clothes from five or six years ago.  I am on my feet all day Monday to Friday as a teacher.  I get up at dawn and don't stretch out on the couch till close to eight thirty or nine pm because I am busy running around doing housework, cooking, laundry, errands and all those second shift jobs that full time working moms do.  When I wear my pedometer, I am hitting anywhere from 12,000 to 15,000 a day just doing my teaching job and wife/mom job.

I think this blog idea is better suited to someone who needs to do a complete 360 degree turn around and come full circle in his or her life.  Other than being a little more conscientious of what I snack on, for the most part I have pretty much done what I have always done  and I've felt good about my overall health.

I squeeze in regular exercise on the weekends and I have yet to be out of breath or pain after a day of biking, hiking or swimming.

So, it is time for me to no longer focus on reiterating and regurgitating what Dr. Oz says and what I have been doing for a long time e.g, Omega 3, adequate sleep, Vitamin D, healthy eating, 10,000 steps a day and move on to a different passion. Writing short stories and re-visiting my chick-lit novel, things that are on my bucket list.

Along with: planting a perennial garden, learning how to play guitar, cycling around the city discovering new kitschy spots and joining a choir. I would also like to dust off my tennis raquet and join my kids in a few rounds'.

So dear readers, thank you for your interest in my blog.

I hope one day you will be reading more of Maija Kimens, but this time it will not be about Dr. Oz and health, but a different genre focusing on the human condition.

Wishing you Health and Soulful Happiness,


1 comment:

  1. Maija,

    We have enjoyed reading your daily entries. It seems as though you've put in a lot of time and thought and effort with this endeavor. That time will now be well spent at other pursuits.

    In good health,
    ~Melissa & Edmund
