Sunday 1 May 2011

Day 45: Here Comes the Sun......

Last year Dr. Oz talked about his number one vitamin supplement: Vitamin D. 

All his audience members left with Vitamin D 3 bottles.  Most of us do not get enough vitamin D in our diet.  We are vitamin D deficient.  Vitamin D insufficiency is linked to many diseases such as cancer, diabetes, MS, cardiovascular disease, depression and autoimmune diseases.

It is recommended that we get 15 minutes of unprotected sunlight a day.  More than that in hot climates is a concern since we are then exposing ourselves to UV rays and increasing our risk of skin cancer.  For those of us fellow Canadians, or people living in northern climates, the sun in the winter is not enough to give us the vitiamin D levels we need in our body. 

Why is Vitamin D 3 important:

-helps bone growth and maintain bone density
-promotes strong bones
-increases calcium absorption to maximize bone health
-boosts your immune system
-prevents cancer
-can  reduce chronic pain

There is a blood test that can be done to ascertain the Vitamin D levels in your body.

The recommended daily about to take is 1,000 mg.  If you have arthritis or other joint or bone issues, higher dosages are recommended.  Consult with your physician before beginning any supplementation.

Spring is here and summer is around the corner.

Practice sun safety by wearing a hat, avoiding the peak sun hours from 11 am to 3 pm and wearing sunscreen without paraben type ingredients. 

Include natural sources of vitamin D and supplement to maintain your optimum health!

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